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For this project, I used Beautifulsoup package to extract data from a NBA stats website regarding Stephen Curry’s shot points in Season 2014-2016. With the data, I built a neural network with Adam optimizer from scratch without any frameworks or packages, to predict whether a shot made by Stephen at a specific point will succeed or not.
The website I crawled hasn’t updated anymore, thus I only got the stats for season 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. The pachage beautifulsoup is quite easy to use:
extracting the data into JSON format
url = ''
data = requests.get(url, headers={
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36"})
cor =[]
made = []
for shot in response.json():
The variable cor saved the coordinates of the positions where Stephen made shots and made is a binary class indicates whether he made it or not. I visualized the data into the graph shown at the top and the code is as follows:
plot the data on top of a court image
court_map = plt.imread('shotchart.png')
BB = (-300, 300, -50, 400)
def plot_data(df,BB,alpha=0.6,maps=court_map,s=10):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10))
#ax.scatter(df['pickup_longitude'],df['pickup_latitude'], alpha=alpha,c='r',s=s,zorder=1,marker='.')
ax.scatter(df[0,np.where(y==1)], df[1,np.where(y==1)],zorder=2,alpha=alpha,c = 'b', s=2,, label='Made Shot')
ax.scatter(df[0,np.where(y==0)], df[1,np.where(y==0)],zorder=2,alpha=alpha,c = 'r', s=2,, label='Miss Shot')
ax.set_title('Shooting Points')
ax.imshow(maps, zorder=0,extent=BB)
construct ANN architecture from scratch
Then, I created the ANN from scratch: built single forward propagation and backward propagation block, with repect to different activation functions (relu, sigmoid, tanh); define parameters initialization and parameters update with Adam functions; define cost function, etc. I wrote a blog about the whole coding process, please kindly find it here.
The model works well and the loss curve is placed below: